RiverStone Blog
The Pastor's Study
In the church or in the parsonage, there was often a room set aside for the pastor to use. It was referred to as "The Pastor's Study." It was so named because the church saw the task of the pastor as someone who was invested in the Scriptures and prayer and not one who was a CEO of an organization.
Nearer to God through Fasting and Prayer
A few more days remain in our first church-wide fast of the New Year. Anytime a people commit themselves to seeking the Lord, there will be spiritual warfare to disrupt, divide, or distract. The enemy knows the long history of God’s people finding breakthrough through fasting, and he seems to oppose us with special urgency during these times. But all praise be to our Lord, who promises that we will find him when we seek him with all our hearts (Jer 29:13), he rewards those who earnestly seek him (Heb 11:6), and if we come near to him he will come near to us (Jas 4:8).
Halfway There
Today marks the halfway point of our 21-day fast. While the fast has been a challenge, it has also been spiritually rewarding. Nonetheless, I’ve noticed an intensity happening in several spheres: (1) in my relationships, (2) family financial pressures, and (3) health concerns. As I reflected on this increased intensity, the 1 Peter 5:8 and the voice of the Holy Spirit boldy proclaimed, “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.”
In South Africa, we do not have Christmas tree farms. Evergreens such as pines or spruces are very, very scarce. A few people might have artificial Christmas trees that they put up in their homes. Growing up, in our home there never was a tree and also no decorations of any kind in or on the house. We only read about Christmas stockings in books.
Recognizing the Spiritual Battle
In the third verse of Martin Luther's Hymn, "A Mighty Fortress is Our God" he speaks of the Christian's fight against the demonic. The verse says:
"And though this world, with devils filled, should threaten to undo us, We will not fear, for God hath willed His truth to triumph through us; The Prince of Darkness grim, we tremble not for him;
His rage we can endure, for lo, his doom is sure, One little word shall fell him."
Many believe that the "Little word" that can "fell" the devil is liar.
A Lesson on Church Finances
In John 12, Mary of Bethany comes and anoints the feet of Jesus with about a pound of pure nard. A very precious ointment that would cost a year’s wages for a day-laborer. In today’s society, a cost equivalent of about $30,000-40,000. A sum that most of us would never spend on perfume. This perfume was most likely part of a dowry that Mary would have received from her parents and a gift she would have offered to her future husband. With no gift to offer a future husband, a woman would most likely be passed over for someone else.
The Grace of Radical Generosity
When you hear the word generosity, what comes to mind? Do you picture a wealthy person giving to the poor? Did you think about a grandparent or an aunt who lavished you with gifts? Generosity is a grace of the Christian life, something that we do out of a desire for godliness
The Guest Book
I was raised by parents who practiced hospitality. We hosted missionaries and itinerant preachers. Sunday afternoons often brought friends from church for a bowl of soup, or a fresh-grilled hamburger. Because we lived in the shadow of Dulles Airport, we often kept travelers waiting for an early morning flight.
Generous Hospitality
We arrived at our destination in the far northwestern part of Zambia at 2 am after a grueling trip over some of the worst gravel roads, a ferry over a river, and more bad roads. What awaited us at that hour? A group of about 20 people, singing and dancing with expectation, and a fully cooked meal.
Hospitality that Hurts
I would define hospitality as providing what is needed without expecting anything back.
In Luke 3 we read about John the Baptist baptizing the people who came to him in the Jordan river, in response to his cry for them to repent.
What Does the Bible have to say about Hospitality?
In both the Old and New Testaments, we can find great examples of people who practiced hospitality. We can see it very clearly in the life of Abraham. He both gave and received hospitality (Genesis 12, 14, 18, 19). And because of it, he was both blessed and protected by God.
Fasting and Fellowship
Since I believe that our Lord taught and lived very practically, I want to approach the devotional in a similar manner. The reason for this approach is that, I believe, there are many people who may be in physically limiting circumstances as I am - as a diabetic. The truth is that I cannot fast for longer periods without compromising my health.