RiverStone Church

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Through wisdom a house is built, And by understanding it is established; By knowledge the rooms are filled With all precious and pleasant riches. A wise man is strong, Yes, a man of knowledge increases strength; For by wise counsel you will wage your own war, And in a multitude of counselors there is safety. –Prov 24:3-6

Successful fasting requires strategic wisdom.  We must keep these 21 days simple and remember that the focus is on feasting on Christ moreso than any fasting strivings.  H.A.L.T. is a great acrostic tool to keep ourselves grounded in the clarity of Christ.  Basically, “HALT!" (you know, HALT means stop) and do a fasting self check in.  Use the following for evaluation:

H - Hunger (Don't allow yourself to become too hungry.  This may seem impossible in a fast; but water is our greatest satiation provider.  Drink, drink, and drink some more.  It really will help.)  

A - Anger (Stay on top of relationships these 21 days.  Be swift with letting go and loving as unto the Lord.)

L - Lonely (We must realize our connection with our greater community.  There are dozens of other fasters persevering and praying with us!)

T - Tired (Fasting is not an ideal time to have a packed schedule.  Graciously allow naps and extra time for rest whenever possible.) 

 So.... Remember HALT and endeavor to not allow yourself to become too hungry, angry, lonely, or tired and that tool will go a long way during these 21 days!

*This blog post courtesy of Natasha Chance