RiverStone Church

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Fasting and Fellowship

The one who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, ‘From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.’ John7:38 (Ask the Holy Spirit for illumination of God’s truth)

Since I believe that our Lord taught and lived very practically, I want to approach the devotional in a similar manner. The reason for this approach is that, I believe, there are many people who may be in physically limiting circumstances as I am - as a diabetic. The truth is that I cannot fast for longer periods without compromising my health.

This does not mean that I do not understand or accept the importance of fasting, prayer and devoting focused attention on growing, strengthening, and expanding the depth and reach of my relationship with Christ. A relationship that must be in the service of the Body of Christ as we represent Jesus to the world in accordance with the Great Commission.

In earlier generations the time consumed in the preparation of food and the emphasis placed on the importance of eating together was far more significant than today. With all the modern conveniences mealtimes can be (and generally are) shorter, more personal, and not as relationship building as of old. This means that we can focus a great deal more time on our careers/work. Thus, the limitation on focusing more (longer) time on our spiritual growth has shifted towards the time spent working.

If the above is true for you then it is incumbent upon us to “carve out” time to spend in focused devotion to God in another way – giving up favorite, time consuming activities.

Since God looks at the condition of our hearts, from where our lives flow, He calls us to discern HIS will, live it out AND be the witnesses of what He is doing in our lives towards extending such experiences to our “neighbors” – this fulfilling our calling as disciples of Christ.

Time spent in fellowship with the Holy Spirit as our teacher -fasting, praying and reading - inspires our “walking in them” (Eph 2:10) will always be of great benefit as we bear Kingdom Fruit.  

This devotional post courtesy of Johan Gous