RiverStone Church

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Halfway There

Greetings RiverStone Community!

 Today marks the halfway point of our 21-day fast. While the fast has been a challenge, it has also been spiritually rewarding.  Nonetheless, I’ve noticed an intensity happening in several spheres: (1) in my relationships, (2) family financial pressures, and (3) health concerns. As I reflected on this increased intensity, 1 Peter 5:8 and the voice of the Holy Spirit boldy proclaimed, “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” If one searches Scripture, the tactics of the enemy have not changed; he works on destroying your relationships, he works against your finances, and he works against your health. His aim is to get you to distrust that our sovereign God is able to meet your every need. His ultimate goal is for you to declare that God has abandoned you or assert that you can work all your problems out on your own which would thereby lead to self-destruction.  Lies! He is the father of lies!

Echoing what Pastor McCready has been sharing with a heartfelt plea, we must come into the unity of faith. RiverStone is in a season of transition and transformation and UNITY is vital as the conduit in which this happens.

While we will not focus on the enemy’s tactics, we are to be alert and sober.  We WILL focus on giving HIM glory and our worship will continue being a sacrifice of praise no matter how we feel about our circumstances. God is a good, good Father and HE DWELLS richly in unity. Allow faith to invade your current belief system.  It is easy for us to become stuck which can result in stagnant spiritual growth. Faith is infinitely bigger than our belief systems and to have fresh spiritual insights and spiritual growth, faith has to invade our old belief systems—our old wine skins—and create a new wine skin to hold the new wine (Matt. 2:22). In other words, our current belief systems, what we believe about God, life, relationships…are insufficient to contain the new revelations and impact God is going to pour into us individually and corporately.

Perhaps you too have noticed increased conflict in relationships; maybe you have seen new financial challenges, and maybe your health is under attack.  It may be that these challenges are taking your mind down the road of doubt! Hold the LINE! Stay steadfast because faithfulness is the dwelling place of God’s favor!

 Here are some ways to hold the line:


  • Pray, Pray, Pray always;

  • Proclaim God’s Word- Preach to yourself;

  • Read God’s Word and let the Holy Spirit speak to you through the Words of Scripture;

  • Know that your spouse, children, family, friends, co-workers, or that rascal driving 35 in a 60…are NOT your enemy;

  • Be consistent in your giving both of time and finances;

  • Worship! There is no such thing as worship without the sacrifice. No matter the circumstance, Worship HIM who is worthy;

  • Be consistent in what you know to do and then trust God with what you can do nothing about;

  • Be at rest and TRUST HIM.

Know this RiverStone Family, Unity is a Biblical mandate and calling for His Church. It is a worthy pursuit, no matter the cost! #REVIVAL

 In His Grip,

Brother Mark Miller