RiverStone Church

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The Desert Road

In Acts 8:26-40, Philip the Evangelist was in the midst of revival in Samaria where people were coming to know Jesus as Messiah and many of those were baptized in the Holy Spirit. Signs and wonders were happening. Healings and conversions and rejoicing in the Lord was the talk in the Samaritan streets. In the midst of this great revival, the angel of the Lord told Philip to go to the desert road on the southern side of Jerusalem.

What do you think might have been going through Philip's mind?

"God, your power is on display in Samaria! Why send me away?"

"I want to be where there is revival, God!"

"God, I am right in the midst of your tangible presence, why are you asking me to go to the desert road?"

Philip left the crowds to have a sovereign encounter with one man. No miracles in this encounter. No speaking in tongues. No healing of the lame. No signs and wonders. He didn't know when he left the revival what God would have in store, but his obedience brought rejoicing in one man and ultimately brought the Gospel to what is Kenya today.

In my mind, I would never think God would have me leave a revival to go to the desert road. Revivals are God's power on display...but walking through the desert is hard and lonely. Yet in His graciousness, God leads us to the place where we are most useful for His Kingdom. Sometimes that is in the midst of revival fires and sometimes that is on the desert road. Our role is to be obedient. His role is sovereignly direct His Kingdom. May God help us not to base our perception of effectiveness on external factors but rather on the advancement of the Gospel as evidenced by changed hearts and rejoicing people.