What Does the Bible have to say about Hospitality?
In both the Old and New Testaments, we can find great examples of people who practiced hospitality. We can see it very clearly in the life of Abraham. He both gave and received hospitality (Genesis 12, 14, 18, 19). And because of it, he was both blessed and protected by God.
Later we can see the example of Rahab when she received the spies who were sent to scout the land. Elijah received the hospitality of the widow of Zarephath (1 Kings 17-18), and Elisha was hosted by the Shunammite woman (2 Kings 4). In each of these examples, though the circumstances were different, the results were the same. God blessed each of the parties that were involved. In each case, it would’ve been easy to keep the door closed to strangers. Rahab could have said, “No, you are not welcome in my house. I don’t know you and you put me and my family in great danger.” The widow of Zarephath could have said, “I have nothing to offer.” The Shunammite might have said, “I am very busy and also upset with God for not giving me a son.”
The beauty of these stories lies in the fact that each offer of hospitality generated a reaction from God, and as result, those who opened their homes were blessed beyond their expectations.
Practical hospitality is about serving others in the best way you can.
In the NT we see the living example of Jesus, who received and offered hospitality. He received tax collectors and sinners, people whom the religious leaders of his time despised, and considered unworthy.
By dining and sharing with them, Jesus not only received them for himself but also made them a part of the community. We know that this generated a negative action from the religious leaders, who openly criticized Jesus for meeting with these types of people. It also created a positive action from these repentant sinners, when they publicly recognized the goodness of Jesus and decided to follow him.
For some believers, the practice of hospitality can be challenging (for various reasons), but for others, it comes naturally. What we must keep in mind is that this practice will serve as an opportunity to be mutually edified. Practical hospitality is about serving others in the best way you can.
What are ways to show hospitality?
So, if that's pizza, snack mix, and a huge heart. YES!
Welcoming people into your home
Bringing bread to the neighbors
Meeting at the park with a packed homemade lunch
Bringing coffee to a down-in-the-dumps friend
Paying it forward at the local coffee shop
Make sure your guests are comfortable
Give gifts to show how you care
Extend your help
Let them know you enjoy their company