Prayer • Community • Sending
At RiverStone Church, we believe that God has called us to be a people of prayer. Prayer is a command of Scripture (James 5:16, 1 Thess. 5:17, Eph. 6:18) and as we participate in prayer, we have an expectancy that He hears us. In addition, as we pray, God reveals to us His plans and purposes which encourage us to be participants in the advancement of His Kingdom on the earth.
Therefore, we will be a house of prayer for all nations. We will learn how to pray, we will invest time in prayer, we will see answered prayer and we will exalt God in prayer.
The first century church focused on four key areas to build their community. They focused on prayer, the Apostle’s doctrine, breaking bread and fellowship (Acts 2:42ff). These four areas helped them to live together in such a way that they advanced the Gospel throughout the known world. At RiverStone, we maintain a focus on these four areas as well in order to continue the work of the first century church through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Therefore, we will be a place of community. We will love one another. We will bear one another’s burdens. We will share with one another. We will joyfully sacrifice for one another. We will gather in homes together around the Word of God. And we will see God transform one another through the Gospel in the power of the Holy Spirit.
RiverStone Church is a sending church in order to fulfill the Great Commission (Matt. 28:29). By this we mean that we are sending people into their workplaces and into their communities as ambassadors of Christ. We are sending people into prisons and hospitals to spread the message of hope. We are sending people cross-culturally to share the Gospel in places that need a witness of Jesus Christ in the power of the Spirit.
Therefore, we will be a place of sending. We will send people into their workplaces and into their communities as ambassadors of Christ. We will send people into prisons and hospitals to spread the message of hope. We will send people to plant other churches in communities where there is a need. We will send people cross-culturally to share the Gospel in places that need a witness of Jesus Christ in the power of the Spirit.
We will be a church of prayer, community, and sending to the glory of God until He comes.