RiverStone Church

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Praying for Workers

And he said to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”  - Luke 10:2

The world and its people are a field that God desires to prepare to receive seeds of eternal life.  The Lord desires to send out willing workers into these fields to pray and to proclaim truth in order to break up these fallow grounds and to plant life giving seeds in good soil.  If workers will be willing to sow these seeds, God promises to do His part to cause them to grow.  The fields are many, but the workers are few.

Jesus asks us to earnestly pray for workers as this work is critical to the Lord’s Kingdom plan.  Unfortunately, too many are too preoccupied with their own kingdom plans to join Jesus in the harvest that He’s assigned to them.   If only more workers would answer the call to work, then perhaps we would see His Kingdom come more forcibly. 

Please, please, please saints pray this necessary prayer, strongly asked  by our Lord to pray, in hopes that everyone would hear the call to work their vital role of praying and proclaiming the Lord’s  Truth, Salvation, and Rulership.  Ask the Lord to ignite your own heart for a deeper desire to know and fulfill your assignment in His harvest.  I have set an alarm on my phone to go off at 10:02am to daily remind me of the Luke 10:2 prayer.  

Prayer:  “Dear Lord of the Harvest, in this time of fasting and prayer, we are asking you to loudly sound the call to all of your people to know their work assignment and to faithfully report for duty.  Stir our own hearts to pray more earnestly and specifically this powerful prayer.  Any prayer asked directly to pray in Scripture, is a prayer you will answer every time.  Amen.”