Repairer, Restorer

A time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. John 4:23

In Isaiah 58 we read of God’s thoughts and intentions toward Israel and for all of His creation to be both saved and restored. The process would begin with proper worship being put into obedient practice by His people. The truth is, Israel had been a failure in their worship. They had not practiced worship in truth but only in ritual. Israel wanted the blessings of God but God would not answer their prayers.

Isaiah 58:3-4 says, “Why have we fasted, but you have not seen? We have denied ourselves, but you haven’t noticed!” “Look, you do as you please on the day of your fast...

God points out that Israel was oppressive and hostile even during their fast.

God was looking for the sacrifice, the religious discipline that would be true and pure, acceptable in His sight.

As we endeavor to move forward in our fast with pure hearts, as true worshipers, the Lord will hear our prayers and He will answer.

Isaiah 58:6-8 reveals the type of fast that God would work through. The intentions that were His included breaking bondages, setting captives free, feeding the hungry, clothing and housing the poor, taking care of your family. This is not merely an Old Testament commandment but affirmed again in the New Testament in the book of James. “Pure and undefiled religion before God the father is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself unstained by the world.” (James 1:27).

What are you seeking Him for? What is He revealing to you, to us corporately?

As we endeavor to move forward in our fast with pure hearts, as true worshipers, the Lord will hear our prayers and He will answer. It’s true to His nature. We see it here in His word. God creates momentum in us to live rightly, fast rightly and be moved by the fast into right and restored actions that are pleasing to Him.
I love the promise that follows His instruction in Isaiah. “Then your light will appear like the dawn, and your recovery will come quickly. Your righteousness will go before you, and the Lord’s glory will be your rear guard. At that time, when you call the Lord will answer...” (Is.58:9).

Some of you will rebuild the ancient ruins; you will restore the foundations laid long ago; you will be called the repairer of broken walls, the restorer of streets where people live. (Is.58:12)

I’m declaring Isaiah 58:12 over our church body prophetically!

There is a breaking in the atmosphere. Be vigilant, be on your guard. Be watchful and understand a heavenly impact is being made on earth. Be expectant!

This blog post courtesy of Autumn Temple


Holy Discontent
